July 2023

July 2023 Newsletter

We meet the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM.

Please join us at 6:30pm for a bit of fellowship time and refreshments.

We meet at The Well.Community
554 Pitt Rd, Brownsburg, IN 46112.

From Our President

Hi Friends,

Happy (Belated) 4th of July.  Hopefully, your celebrations were full of great times with your friends, neighbors and family.  There is nothing like the “Pops” and “Booms” and beautiful array of colors that all the fireworks display.  It is the holiday of great cookouts and amazing food.  The grand displays of flying our Red, White, and Blue throughout the town, on our homes and front center in all the parades show our pride in this great country.  So, even as July starts to come to an end, it is always a great time to show our pride in the USA. 

To keep the celebration going, why don’t you all bring your most favorite patriotic decorations (even if they are not actually quilts/quilted items) to our July meeting.  In fact, let’s don our favorite patriotic attire and celebrate in style.  Come early for our social time and enjoy a few “patriotic” snacks.

It is Fair time.  Good luck with your exhibits and we look forward to seeing your exhibits and hearing about your success.

We have a great program lined up for this month.  Why don’t you call a quilting friend and invite them to attend the meeting with you.  They will have great fun enjoying our camaraderie and being inspired by the amazing workmanship of our projects.

Don’t forget to sell your tickets for our beautiful Raffle Quilt.  If you know of an opportunity (a craft show or market event) where we can display the quilt and sell tickets, be sure to let Heather know.  This is one of our most important fund raising activities and we have a lot of work to do to sell the tickets and raise money for the guild. 

Finish your July Block of the Month projects, Quilts of Valor quilts, donations quilts and get ready to show off your projects.  Looking forward to seeing you July 18.

Beth Archer
2023 Scrapbasket President


2023  Scrapbasket Programs

July Program:

Eliu Hernandez, Textile Artist

Presentation: Reclamation Alchemy: Potential and Beauty in Used Materials

Salvaging even the thread from discarded garments such as jeans, denim textile artist Eliu Hernandez uses materials that have been discarded by others to create art with life and texture. The process goes through many stages as he takes jeans and shirts apart stitch by stitch in order to waste nothing. This yields him fabric with rich patinas and interesting shapes that he challenges himself to use, making the most of every bit of material.

Eliu says ” I’m a reclamation specialist. So all of my work includes recycled, reused, upcycled materials. I’ve made quilts which have reclaimed fabrics included in the tops, backs and batting. I’ve been improving on a technique to harvest usable lengths of thread from specific seams in clothes. Then I’ve incorporated #reclaimedthread into my hand-quilting. As a result, I have pieces entirely hand-quilted with reused thread!”

(Description taken from Create Whimsy.  See more at

https://createwhimsy.com/projects/spotlight-eliu-hernandez-denim-textile-artist/ )



August Program:

Auction Time!!!

Calling all quilters you have some things to get rid of, but could also use some new things!! I think that is everyone, right?

The auction is coming up at the August meeting, and will 
begin at 6:00 pm. Please bring any quilt items that you would like to auction off and fill out a bid ticket. Jenna will have the bid tickets at the July meeting so you can fill them out in advance.

Auction items can include fabric, UFOs, notions, books, puzzles, food, services (quilting) or anything that you think would make someone happy! We will also have the pattern/book table, so bring those too!

We will have baskets from the beelets for the live auction, and any items with more than 5 bids in the silent auction will automatically go to the live auction. We will also have ice cream!

The auction is one of the largest money makers for the guild, so please bring cash or check to purchase items and help bring great activities to the guild!!

Any questions? Please reach out to Amy Gilmore or Jenna Chamberlain.

Committee Activities

2023 Block of the Month
Beth Konz, Kim Van Buskirk, Elizabeth Coffey

Block 7:  2023 Block of the Month Program – “Colorful Tropics”
Designed by Barbara Bieraugel

Linda Auberry and Tammie Earnest

Our Challenge for this year is to finish our UFOs (UnFinished Objects)!

Thank you for your wonderful participation in this year's UFO Challenge.  For July, bring your completed UFO that has the brightest colors!  And beginning preparing for August, when we will share our completed UFOs that are not quilts such as a bags, table runners, wallhangings, placemats, aprons, etc.

A few of last month's completed projects:



Rhonda Nelson

If you know of any Scrapbasket member needing a little cheer, please let Rhonda Nelson know. She will be happy to send a card from all of us. Thank you. 

Donation Quilts
Susan Cinkoske, Cheri Guerrettaz, Bobbie Brinson


Wow! You all continue to amaze me with your generosity! We have so many quilts finished for the year. 

If you have ever had someone in a nursing home, you know how fun playing BINGO is for them. The month of September, I am collecting small handmade or purchased gifts to be used as prizes at Brownsburg Meadows.  The residents love to win little trinkets or useful items.  Kleenex holders, small drawstring bags, dresser scarves, and small baskets can be made from your scraps. The dollar store has many small items that can be purchased or perhaps someone has given you a little knick-knack that you no longer want.  Any of those items will work.

October is Pillowcase month.  Find a yard of fabric for a child or teen and create a pillowcase that can be used for a foster child.  Checkout the burrito method for a really easy way to make a pillowcase.

Quilts of Valor

Hi QOV Quilters,
Hope everyone had a fantastic red, white, and blue 4th.
I’ll be at Scrapbasket on Tuesday so if you have anything to bring me I can take it. 
I hope to have a kit or two ready, but my garden is full of weeds and I’ve been dealing with that.  UGH!  If only the rabbits would eat weeds instead of my nice tender flowers.  Oh well.

See you Tuesday,

Look at what has already been accomplished:


Quilt Retreat

McCormick's Creek Canyon Inn 
September 15-17

Quilt Retreat will be held at McCormick's Creek State park on Sept 15,16,17.  We can get into the quilting room at 9 am on Friday morning.  However, we will not be able to get into our sleeping rooms until 3-4 pm.

We have ten rooms already booked, and we have only three more rooms available for quilters.  I will need a $50 deposit on your room with balance due on Aug 1st.

We are going to have a great time.

Questions?? Let me know what I can do for you.

Cost: one person in room $400
Three people in room $135 each
Two people in room $200 each
Four people in room $100 each

Phone_________________ Email___________________________________________

Make checks out to Scrapbasket and mail to:

Marylynne Meranda
622 Jackson St, Brownsburg, IN  46112

Marylynne Meranda

Raffle Quilt

Here is a full photo of our Raffle Quilt.  Please share it with anyone who might be interested in buying a ticket.


With the ever-increasing cost of programs and supplies, selling of our raffle tickets make it possible for us to keep our membership dues at a lower price point.  I’m very excited about the enthusiasm that you all have for our raffle quilt this year.  We are ever so grateful for our 2022 Raffle Quilt Committee who worked together to sew our beautiful quilt.  
Not picked up your tickets yet?  Pick up your initial set and another set of 24.  It's not too late to start selling.  Please check in with Heather Kopeschka, she has notes on your ticket selling activity.  We have more tickets and prizes….keep selling! 
Lastly, if you wish to be involved in the 2023 Raffle Quilt Committee for a quilt that will be raffled in 2024, please reach out to our President, Beth Archer.
Thank you for all you do to make our guild great!
Heather Kopeschka

Block Swap Information

 Attention Wonky Star Swapper!

Just wanted to let you know that life has been extremely busy and I am not sure about you, but my stars are not getting together!  Plus, I don’t want you to be on vacation in July and miss the Dancing with the Stars display!….I felt you may be in the same predicament.  No need to fret, I have a solution!  Lets aim to share at least a finished top at our September meeting. 

Hope to see all your beautiful  tops then!

Show and Tell

Our Members share their talents...


Upcoming Quilt Show

Quilts and Needle Arts Festival Sept. 21-23

Hello Quilters!
Announcing the Quilts and Needle Arts Festival
Sept. 21-23, 2023
Pratt Pavilion
13800 W. Poe Road
Bowling Green, OH 43402
10 am- 5 pm daily
Quilts of all sizes are welcome!  Registration ends Sept. 1, 2023.
Any questions, please email: 

Upcoming Quilt Show

Hi Scrapbasket Quilters,

We would like to invite your quilt guild members to our annual Mudsock Quilters Guild quilt show.  Over 300 quilts, made by guild members, will be on display from 10 am -3pm on November 11, 2023 at Cornerstone Lutheran Church in Fishers. The $5.00 entry fee supports Mudsocks charitable programs.

At the conclusion of the show, we prepare these quilts for donation to Community North Hospitals in Indianapolis. In late December each year, people who are hospitalized will be offered a warm, handmade quilt to help brighten the holiday season.  Mudsock Quilters Guild has been donating quilts to people in the hospital for more than six years.

The show also features vendors for holiday shopping, a quilt raffle, our “steals and deals” table, and many many door prizes!



Member to Member

This is an opportunity for you to list quilting items/supplies/patterns that you no longer want.

  • Submit a list/description to the monthly newsletter by the Tuesday the week before the meeting to newslettereditor@scrapbasket.org

  • Email your info included in the body of the message or as an editable attachment, like Word (not a PDF). No hard copies, please.

  • Any pictures should be in .jpg format and attached to the email,

  • Include your preferred contact information.  Anyone who is interested can contact you and arrange a pickup.

I’ll continue to collect empty spools for the Early Childhood center at my church.  Please bring them to the meeting with you.  There will be a back at the check-in table to collect them.

Guild Documents

Please visit the password-protected 
Members section of the website for the following information:

  • Meeting Minutes

  • Treasurer's Reports

  • Membership Roster

  • Beelet Roster


If you wish to follow the guild on Social Media, you can!  Simply search for "Scrapbasket" on Facebook and you'll find a 
Page and a Closed Group.  Follow our Page and Group for event notices, too.  Simply request to “Join” the group, and one of the Administrators will accept you. 

The Group is really just for members or close friends of our Guild.  The Page is a great way to make us visible to the public...and future Guild members!


August 2023


June 2023