February 2023

February 2023 Newsletter

Don't forget to pay your membership dues.

Yearly dues are $25 which helps pay for programs, meeting space, and supplies.

We meet the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM.

We meet at The Well.Community
554 Pitt Rd, Brownsburg, IN 46112.

From Our President

Scrapbasket Friends,  

Happy February!  The LOVE month.   Hearts, cupids, the cute little heart candies with corny little “sweet nothings’ printed on them, chocolates, wines and bubblies, sparkly diamonds…all the other fun items that fit the season.  Supposedly, the English poet, Geoffrey Chaucer, was the first to record St. Valentine's Day as a day of romantic celebration in his 1375 poem “Parliament of Foules.”  For sure it helps to put some spark into that time of year when we need a little pick-me-up.  

It is safe to say that we all LOVE quilting. What are your “Love Languages” when it comes to quilting?  Is it the planning and designing?  Is it the selecting fabrics and colors?  Is it the piecing?  Is it the quilting?  Is it the excitement of showing off your latest project?  Is it the thrill of seeing the face of the person(s) who receive your gift of Love?  

What do you LOVE about being a member of the guild?  Is it the opportunity to connect with great quilters and artists?  Are you inspired by all the wonderful work our members do?  Do you LOVE the great programs and workshops? Regardless of your LOVE Language… we have it for you.  Complete with BOM’s, challenges, donation quilts, Quilts of Valor, staycations,  retreats  and more. Be sure to get your dues paid so that you can continue to LOVE all that our wonderful guild offers. 

We will celebrate our LOVE for each other at this month’s BIRTHDAY party.  See you there.  Oh, and bring a few extra $$ to enter the raffle for a special raffle item that will be offered. 

Be sure to check out each of the articles in this newsletter to make sure you get
involved in those plans that appeal to you the most.  Volunteers are still needed for the Bloomington show in March… we still need volunteers to help sell the raffle tickets.  Heather and her team have us set up for success…. If you can help, please let her know or use the link in the recent notice to volunteer. 

Enjoy your LOVE for quilting and see you at our BIRTHDAY party. 

Beth Archer
2023 Scrapbasket President


2023  Scrapbasket Programs

February 2023

Birthday Bash
Join in the fun as we celebrate everyone's birthday in style.  Yes, we will be celebrating EVERYONE's birthday with games, party food, and some laughs.  

Wear your fun (and yes, silly) birthday attire and bring a 'birthday gift" for a White Elephant exchange.  Don't overthink the exchange gift.... just something fun, silly or novel (keep it inexpensive, please) dressed up in a fun package.  You can quilt it, craft it, make it, buy it, or repurpose a Christmas Gift... just make sure it is something you would have fun receiving.   

If you have a fun food you like to enjoy at birthday parties, you are welcome to bring along to share, but don't feel you need to. We will have cake and ice cream for all.  Finally, if you have a fun "Birthday Photo" of yourself please send it to Beth Archer, 
archerbeth8@gmail.com  The photo can include friend and family.

If you would like to be involved in the party planning, please do not hesitate to send Beth a note, there is always room for party planners to ensure a fun time for all.   

March 2023

Sheila Frampton Cooper


BIO:  After channeling her artistic muse through painting, jewelry making and architectural photography for many years, Sheila plunged into abstract quilt making in 2010.  Guided by intuition and inspired by nature’s palette, she speeds into journeys of revelation and surprise. Her intensity is apparent in the colors, lines and shapes of her improvisational textile works.

Since embarking on her fiber art adventure, Sheila has won awards at major quilt shows, including: IQA World of Beauty in Houston, AQS Show in Paducah and Road to California. Her work has been exhibited worldwide. 


This talk goes deep into my process. I discuss color, inspiration, and the various approaches I engage when doing this type of work. I'll share a variety of student work as well as a few other artists and discuss what I feel makes a piece successful. This is a fun talk full of eye candy! 



Zoom Workshop: Lines and Curves

Wednesday, March 22 11 a.m.

Students will combine thick and thin lines with curved pieces and assemble the quilt top in rows. There are infinite possibilities. Sheila will demonstrate construction techniques for sewing curved seams and discuss some of the challenges you may run into with spontaneous design and piecing.

April 2023

Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill

BIO:  Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill is a designer, quilt pattern publisher, award-winning quilter and educator. As a trained and practicing graphic designer, her quilts start with a concept and research shapes the design. Sheri strives to enhance people’s everyday lives through beautiful meaningful design. Through sharing her work and teaching, she loves to empower and inspire others to enjoy the process of making. 

Sheri’s quilts have gained international recognition, including awards from QuiltCon, International Quilt Festival, Quilt Week/Paducah and the Modern Quilt Guild. Additionally, her work has been featured at art centers and galleries around the country. Her work has been included in books and publications and magazines. She self-publishes and distributes her quilt patterns, which can be found at quilt shops worldwide and online. Sheri enjoys giving presentations and teaching nationally.

As an active member of the modern quilt community, Sheri collaborates with leading industry organizations such as  Aurifil, Art Gallery Fabrics, Oliso, Ruby Star Society, and The Warm Company. She designed, created and filmed two segments for Fresh Quilting, a public television show co-produced by the Modern Quilt Guild and KS Productions.

Presentation:  Content, Concepts & Quilts: Approaching Quilting as a Graphic Designer

Our own life experiences can play a big role in our work as quilters. In this presentation and trunk show, Sheri will share how she applies her graphic design training and practices to design quilts while showing a selection of her award-winning quilts. Come hear, see and be inspired as Sheri describes her creative journey and process.

Learn more about Sheri and her work at 

Committee Activities

2023 Block of the Month
Beth Konz, Kim Van Buskirk, Elizabeth Coffey

2023 Block of the Month Program – “Colorful Tropics”
Designed by Barbara Bieraugel

Block 2:  This block requires templates.  Please visit the Members Only section of the website or email Kim at kimvanbuskirk@me.com and she will bring them to the next meeting.   

Linda Auberry and Tammie Earnest

Our Challenge for this year is to finish our UFOs (UnFinished Objects)!

For February, your challenge is to complete your Smallest UFO and bring it to show everyone at our Guild meeting!  Don't forget to bring your UFO Challenge calendar with you to have it initialed and be entered for a door prize.  Those who complete the most UFOs throughout the year will be entered for a Grand Prize drawing!

Be sure to print off the UFO Challenge calendar (please check website as well) if you did not pick one up at the January meeting.  And you'll want to start soon on the March UFO - the UFO that you have had the longest!!


Rhonda Nelson

If you know of any Scrapbasket member needing a little cheer, please let Rhonda Nelson know. She will be happy to send a card from all of us. Thank you. 

Donation Quilts
Susan Cinkoske, Cheri Guerrettaz, Bobbie Brinson

At the last meeting I did an OOPS.  I announced a fabric swap and then afterwards remembered that I was not going to be at the February meeting, so let’s move it to the March meeting.  If you would like to participate, bring a bag of scraps that equals at least 5 fat quarters. The fabric should coordinate, such as all bright colors, pastels, or complementary colors etc.  This can even be an old project that you would like someone else to finish. You may use the scraps anyway you wish to complete a donation quilt.  In the bag you will also receive 3 extra tickets for our monthly and yearly drawings.  The quilt you make for the swap can be turned in anytime during the year, but April’s UFO Challenge project is “Finish a project someone else gave you” – a perfect way to get that project!  


I still have batting for your donation quilts.  Let me know what you need it and I will bring to the March meeting.

Beth Archer will be collecting the donation quilts for February.

Quilts of Valor

It’s only the second month of the new year, and you have given me all sorts of tops, pillowcases, and blocks to assemble and organize.  Thank you so very much for keeping me busy.  We’re off to a great start.

So I don’t get too far behind on things, I’m going to ask that this month you continue to work on what you’ve been working on. Again do what you can do. There is no time dead line.

Next month I will have a new block, pattern, and kits to assemble.




Spring Quilt Retreat

I have been in contact with Lisa from Unraveled Quilt store in Spencer.  The available dates for the weekend retreat are April 15 or 29th.  It will be two nights and three days at Canyon Inn in McCormick's Creek.  We can vote on a date at the meeting.

Also, we are getting details of cost, mainly to see if they will have breakfast and lunch provided in the cost, I would think it would be in the $250 per person range, but I can't be sure at this time.  If you are interested in this retreat as a guild, please get your roommate picked and let me know at the February meeting.  I think two to a room is the best as when we were down there last Fall, the beds were not queen size. There is a refrigerator and microwave in the rooms.  There is no eating in the sewing room but there is a main lobby, game room that is available for eating.  We have room for 40 retreaters.  I will take names and then will announce dates as soon as I have them.  Maybe before the meeting.

Also I need to know if you would like a class from Lisa, of work on your own projects.   

Mary Lynne Meranda

Block Swap Information


Wonky Star Swap!

Our wonky star swappers can expect to pick up their swapped stars this month!   Please find Heather Kopeschka at the February meeting or contact her directly if you cannot attend.  

Also…we wonky ladies are targeting the month of July to finished our tops (previous was stated March).  I felt I needed the extra time and our swapppers would appreciate extra time and would therefore end up in a better product.  Be creative and above all sew and have fun!

Quilt Show Volunteers Needed


Dear Scrapbasket Quilters,

The last 2 years we have had to work extra hard to keep our Guild alive and thriving.  Covid has changed our world and therefore the things we love.  Everything from closing quilt stores, limited hours, or number of people in a building to virtual quilt shows.  Not all the changes have been bad, for example, Zoom workshops are really great!  You can stay in your home, no need to lug your machine or iron, etc. to a space you are not familiar with and end up forgetting your foot! 

This year we have the opportunity to help our guild with your time, so hopefully we don’t have to work as hard later.  We are in need of volunteers to help at the Heritage Quilt Show in Bloomington….you see we are planning to bring this year’s Raffle Quilt to the show to showcase our quilt and our Guild.  This show is a real quilters collaboration of what we love.   When the Bloomington Show allows us to join, we are also committing to helping them run their show.  We need 33 hours of volunteer hours.  That breaks down to 11 members working a 3 hour shift, all over the course of 3 days or 3.6667 of our Guild Members to volunteer each day, and it also gets you a free entry to the show (currently we have ~6 committed—Thank you!!).  At the show we also need your help to sell raffle tickets.  I know it seems you are giving so much of your time…I get it, I do.  I will be attending on Friday, March 3rd all day, and will be happy to fill my car with other Guild members to go and see the show and volunteer.  Personally, I volunteer to be a white glove in the show…this allows me to see the quilts in the show and then when my shift is done, I also visit the vendors.  


The Heritage Quilt Show is March 2, 3, and 4.

The link to volunteer at the Bloomington Show is below and there are still many available time slots to volunteer.  You can help at the volunteer table, coat check, white glove, or meet all the visitors at the main desk.


The link to sign-up for selling raffle tickets is here….



Please consider helping the Guild and enjoying a great show that has been canceled since 2021!

Thanks in advance!

Heather Kopeschka 

Show and Tell Highlights

Our members shared some of their beautiful creations with us...




Member to Member

This is an opportunity for you to list quilting items/supplies/patterns that you no longer want.

  • Submit a list/description to the monthly newsletter by the Tuesday the week before the meeting to newslettereditor@scrapbasket.org

  • Email your info included in the body of the message or as an editable attachment, like Word (not a PDF). No hard copies, please.

  • Any pictures should be in .jpg format and attached to the email,

  • Include your preferred contact information.  Anyone who is interested can contact you and arrange a pickup.


Guild Documents

Please visit the password-protected 
Members section of the website for the following information:

  • Meeting Minutes

  • Treasurer's Reports

  • Membership Roster

  • Beelet Roster


If you wish to follow the guild on Social Media, you can!  Simply search for "Scrapbasket" on Facebook and you'll find a 
Page and a Closed Group.  Follow our Page and Group for event notices, too.  Simply request to “Join” the group, and one of the Administrators will accept you. 

The Group is really just for members or close friends of our Guild.  The Page is a great way to make us visible to the public...and future Guild members!


March 2023


January 2023